End hunger despite climate change

One small device helps farmers protect their crops and increase global food security

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Direct action via crowdfunding is the best way to quickly get devices into the hands of 1200 farmers in Tanzania and Kenya. Subscribe to our newsletter and join us on our journey!

Ending hunger with data

Yes, this is a weather station! Our prototype weather station (and sensor device) is super small and comes packed with a battery, an integrated solar panel, WiFi, and many clever mounting options.

  • There are 800 million farmers in Africa.
  • We take weather forecasts for granted, but African farmers have no access to weather forecasts.
  • Farmers lose 40% of their crop to bad weather and climate change, resulting in chronic hunger.
  • Weather forecasts give farmers the data they need to protect their crops and combat hunger.
  • Our weather stations power personalized weather forecasts for every farmer.
  • These devices can also collect soil data to further improve crop yields, helping farmers break free from poverty.

Soil that is too dry or too wet hinders germination and reduces yields. With weather forecasts, farmers can sow seeds at the right time to maximize yields.

Many farmers rely on rain to quench their crops. With more frequent and longer dry spells, farmers need to know how long they need to wait for rain.

While rain is less frequent, the intensity of storms is increasing. Farmers need to protect against floods and other water events.

Helping African farmers increase crop yields strengthens food security globally. Higher productivity means more food at lower prices, which benefits everyone.

Designed to maximize good

We're on a mission to improve the lives of millions of farmers. To do that, our tiny weather stations are cheap, easy to use, and last years, even with limited infrastructure.

Rugged and resilient case made from UV- and impact-resistant ABS

Easy to mount with shoelaces, wire, or just hook onto a fence

Our small but mighty device is smaller than a coffee mug and easily mounts anywhere.

Easy to repair and upgrade with commodity parts

Future proof with multiple sensor expansion slots and over-the-air firmware updates

Together we can end hunger in Africa, in spite of climate change

We're partnered with eCoDigital in Tanzania and KISSPRO in Kenya to give 1200 devices to farmers this year and even more next year. Help us reach all of these farmers by supporting our upcoming crowdfunding campaign.

A future test site for our weather station in the Katavi region of Tanzania. Most farmers do not have machinery or irrigation, let alone weather forecasts. Photo courtesy Abdala Liingilie.